
rapid visualization environment

get started

vroom is designed to make immersive 3D visualization easier by reducing the amount of time (and effort) required to develop VR applications. It is primarily intended as a visualization tool for scientists and researchers, but hopefully it is useful to anyone interested in creating and interacting in 3D.

It is being developed at the University of California, Davis.

simple syntax

vroom provides a clean, simple interface that is easy to learn, but also very flexible, allowing you to start off small and scale your application as needed. vroom's minimalist approach means that you won't waste time and energy. Want to quickly visualize some data? Write a simple app that does just that. No need to deploy a massive framework for simple tasks.

live coding

Sometimes you don't know what direction a project is going to go when you start out. This is very common in scientific fields where the data being analyzed or the method of analysis is unique. vroom's live-coding environment provides instant feedback allowing you to experiment as you are building your application. It is also just a very nice way to interact with your code.

high level

Sometimes you have data that you just want to look at without spending a whole afternoon writing code. vroom's high-level approach to visualization lets you get a lot done in a short amount of time. This means you get to spend more time interacting with your data and less time trying to get it to the screen.


from vroom import *

def init():
  Global.points = []

def display():
  draw(sphere, 3.0).for_each(Global.points)

def buton_press(pos, button):


from vroom import *

def init():
  Global.texture = Texture.from_file('crate.png')

def display():
  cube(3.0, texture=Global.texture)


from vroom import *

def init():
  Global.radius = 1.0

def frame():
  Global.radius = fabs(sin(elapsedTime()))

def display():