

Add a button to the main application menu. The application menu can be brought up by pressing the right mouse button. Adding buttons to this menu allows you to interact with your program.

For example, you could add a button to clear the screen of objects added by the user. Or, you could start/stop an animation by adding a toggle button. See the examples section below for more ideas.

The main menu can only be modified in the application's init() function. Calling this function after the application has been initialized will have no effect. This means that changes made to the main menu during a live-coding session will not be seen until the program has been restarted.


addMainMenuItem(label, callback)


label button label string
callback callback function

The callback function will receive either a Button or ToggleButton object.

optional arguments

type button type: "button" (default) or "toggle"


basic push-button callback

Add a button to the main menu with the label "Clear Points". When the button is clicked the clear function will be called.

def init():
   Global.points = []
   addMainMenuItem('ClearPoints', clear)

def clear(button):
   Global.points = []

toggle-button callback

Add a toggle button with the label "Enable Lighting". When the button is clicked the function toggleLighting will be called. Toggle buttons are created by adding the additional type argument.

def init(): = False
   addMainMenuItem('Enable Lighting', toggleLighting, type="toggle")

def toggleLighting(toggle): = toggle.getToggle() 

lambda function callback

You can even use a lambda function if you want. This example passes a lambda function which toggles a BooleanOption variable to turn lighting on or off.

def init(): = BooleanOption()
   addMainMenuItem('Enable Lighting', lambda x:, type="toggle")

def display():
   # render stuff...