


Internal interaction function. Called whenever a button is pressed.

This is an internal function used by vroom. All internal functions are optional. However, if they are defined in your application they will be called automatically. A list of all internal vroom functions can be found here.


def button_press(position, button):
   # interaction code goes here...


position (x, y, z) position of the cursor location
button button ID value


In the following example we use the button_press() function to add points whenever the user presses the button.

def init():
   Global.points = [] # start with an empty array

def display():
   # Draw a sphere at each point the user pressed the button
   material(0, 1, 1)
   draw(sphere, 1.0, style='solid').for_each(Global.points)

def button_press(pos, button):
   # Add a point at the current cursor position. In this example
   # we do not need to use the button ID value, however it will be
   # passed to the function by vroom so it must be in the function
   # definition.
