


Internal interaction function. Called whenever a button is released.

This is an internal function used by vroom. All internal functions are optional. However, if they are defined in your application they will be called automatically. A list of all internal vroom functions can be found here.


def button_release(position, button):
   # interaction code goes here...


position (x, y, z) position of the cursor location
button button ID value


In the following example we use the button_release() function to build on the button_press example. Instead of drawing uniform spheres we will allow the user to set the size of each sphere independently. The user presses the button down to set the origin. When the button is released the radius is calculated and the sphere is drawn.

def init():
   # We will use the following array to store the center point and the
   # radius of each sphere.
   Global.points = [] # start with an empty array

def display():
   # Draw all the spheres.

   for center, radius in Global.points:
      draw(sphere, radius).at(center)

def button_press(pos, button):
   # Use the current cursor postion for the center of the sphere. We use
   # a Global variable here so we can access it later in the button_release
   # function.

   Global.center = pos

def button_release(pos, button):
   # Compute the radius of the sphere using the center point stored when the
   # button was pressed and position when it was released.
   radius = distance(pos, Global.center)   

   # Add the center point and radius to our arary
   Global.points.append([Global.center, radius])